Last year I showed my students a writing sample from their first days in First grade and they could not believe their writing and pictures were so different, even some of them would deny they were theirs!!!! So, this is how I came up with this portrait. On the very first day I will have them draw themselves and will also take a picture of them, and I will keep it in my desk. During the last week of school I will hand the portraits out so they can draw themselves again and I will also have more recent pictures in there, it will be a beautiful way to see how they have grown in every way.
This portrait includes templates for grades K through Fifth, two templates per grade (drawing and photograph). I will have the drawings glued on the front of a 12″x 18″ foldable (folded in half) and the pictures will go inside. However, I am sure you can come up with so many other creative ways to set it up and present it to your kids, so if you would like to share it with other teachers please email the pictures to at the end of your school year. 🙂 Can't wait to see what you come up with!!!!
You can also find a Spanish version HERE.